Whatever ails you, the Clinical Division of Periodontology cares for your teeth according to the newest international standards.

Healthy teeth also need healthy anchoring in the dentition. Our Clinical Division of Periodontology is the contact point for all those who have problems with the periodontium. Our experts in periodontology provide extensive surgical periodontal therapy according to the newest international standards. An important part of our division’s tasks is education. With “chair-side teaching”, prospective dentists receive profound practical training. Professors and junior dentists advise and teach dentistry students chair-side.

Univ. Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz
Head of the Clinical Division of Periodontology

Univ.-Prof.in Univ.-Doz.in Dr.in Xiaohui Rausch-Fan
Deputy Head of the Clinical Division of Periodontology
Range of Services for Periodontology and Prophylaxis
Bleeding gums, periodontal pockets, swelling or receding gums, as well as halitosis, are an indication for diseases of the periodontium. These diseases can be treated by our specialist team even in very severe cases.
Our specialists examine the gums and periodontium clinically and radiologically. Through a screening process, a first diagnosis can be established and a treatment plan can be determined.
When the gums have receded so much that the root surface is exposed, this is called periodontal recession. In many cases these recessions are due to dental malpositions, periodontitis, overlapping filling margins, piercings or an incorrect cleaning method.
Teeth with recessions are not just an aesthetic problem, they are often over-sensitive and have a higher risk of root caries. Sufficient oral hygiene may also be difficult in such areas. The need for treatment, as well as the prognosis for a coverage of the root surface, must be discussed individually in our clinic for aesthetic and medical periodontal corrections.
Mucositis and peri-implantitis are inflammations around dental implants affecting either just the soft tissue or the bone as well. When left untreated, peri-implantitis leads to the loss of the implant. Mucositis, a preliminary form of peri-implantitis, can be successfully treated in most cases.
Together with the Division of Oral Surgery, we treat affected patients and implement conservative and surgical therapies, to save the implants, if possible.
Bacterial plaque can cause caries and/or gum diseases. Targeted prophylactic measures can prevent these diseases in most cases.
A professional tooth or implant cleaning consists of removing plaque and polishing teeth and implants along with a fluoridation treatment. This dental prophylaxis is individually adjusted to your needs and implemented according to current scientific standards. In addition, our professionally trained prophylaxis assistants advise patients on their individual risks. Our professionally trained prophylaxis team also advises you how to best care for your teeth at home and which measures, from toothpaste to floss, are best suited for you.

ORF broadcast PARODONTITIS "Bewusst Gesund from 25.02.2017"
Interview with Dr.in Corinna Bruckmann, MSc
Making an Appointment
Head of Clinical Division: Univ. Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz
Deputy Head of Clinical Division Periodontology: Univ.-Prof.in Univ. Doz.in Dr.in Xiaohui Rausch-Fan
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 2 pm
Sat, Sun, Public Holiday: 8 am - 12 pm