In the Dental Education we provide excellent care to patients and solid practical training to students. Under the guidance of experienced dentists, prospective dentists learn modern techniques that are state of the art in dentistry.

The training concept for dentists at the University Dental Clinic Vienna has been implemented since 2010. According to this modern training concept, students learn dental practice in small groups (home units) under the supervision of senior physicians and dentists of the Department of UNIT and Conservative Dentistry and, if necessary, the involvement of various departments - from tooth preservation, periodontology, pediatric dentistry, prosthetics and oral surgery to orthodontics. Modern equipment with the most advanced devices is used. Every year, the University Dental Clinic trains about 80 students to become qualified dentists. After their first visit to our General Outpatient Clinic, patients can decide on dental therapy in the unit.

Univ.-Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz
Head of the Dental Education

DDr. Martin Krainhöfner
Deputy Head of the Dental Education
Making an Appointment UNIT 1
Head of the Dental Education: Univ. Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz
Deputy Head of the Dental Education: DDr. Martin Krainhöfner
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
Mon - Fri: 8 am – 2 pm
Sat, Sun, Public Holiday: 8 am - 12 pm
Making an Appointment UNIT 2
Head of Clinical Division: Univ. Prof. DDr. Andreas Moritz
Deputy Head of Clinical Division: DDr. Martin Krainhöfner
Mon - Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
Mon - Fri: 8 am – 2 pm
Sat, Sun, Public Holiday: 8 am - 12 pm