Oral hygiene from A-Z: this is the learning objective of the training for prophylaxis assistants. After completion, dental assistants master all aspects of professional prophylaxis.
Oral hygiene is becoming more and more important in our society. More patients want to obtain professional dental care at a dentist’s practice. In order to meet this need, the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna is offering a training course for dental assistants who want to become prophylaxis assistants (PASS).
Experienced specialists of the School’s periodontology prophylaxis centre teach dental assistants over the course of this training. All aspects of oral hygiene are covered in eight modules of intensive theoretical and practical training. The content of this course corresponds to the guidelines of the Zahnärztliche Assistenz-Ausbildungsverordnung (ZASS-AV, BGBL. II Nr. 283/2013) (the dental assistant training ordinance).
Taking part in this training for prophylaxis assistance at the University Clinic of Dentistry means the following for you:
- training at one of the most modern facilities in Europe: 40 workplaces with phantom head and monitor
- practice-oriented work on phantom heads and then on patients
- supervision by specialists in periodontology and prophylaxis
- in parallel, practical training at the employer’s practice
- in-service-training
- Award of the professional designation “Prophylaxeassistent”
The prophylaxis assistance training is designed for fully-trained dental assistants who must fulfil a number of prerequisites.
- licence to practice as a dental assistant
- at least 2 years of practice, currently employed
- employer’s approval
- proof of hepatitis B immunisation
Learning content: Oral hygiene from A–Z
The content of this course covers all aspects of oral hygiene and corresponds to the guidelines of the Zahnärztliche Assistenz-Ausbildungsverordnung (ZASS-AV).
- assessment of plaque and calculus formation
- plaque indices, bleeding indices
- assessment and documentation of gingival inflammation
- execution of saliva swab tests
- execution of a periodontal basic examination and, if necessary, periodontal status
- oral and facial photography
- documentation of the degree of periodontal inflammation
- sensitivity test in recall
- execution of microbiological exams and risk tests
- recording of changes in the dental hard substance and the periodontal tissue, assessment and report to the dentist
- recognition of changes in the oral mucosa and report to the dentist
- informing the patient on the causes, the development and the consequences of caries, gingivitis and periodontal diseases
- patient-specific motivation to achieve a change in behaviour
- as needed, instruction on caries and periodontal prophylactic measures
- oral-prophylactic advice on nutrition
- execution and check of the demand-oriented individual prophylaxis programme
- prophylaxis in orthodontics and paediatric dentistry
- professional dental cleaning
- creation of a clean environment in the oral cavity
- prophylactic measures (e.g. nutrition, instruction on inter-dental cleaning)
- local use of neck of tooth desensitising remedies
- ergonomic work posture
- professional maintenance of instruments and waste disposal
- organisation and execution of the individual recall system
- correspondence
- acquisition and storage of prophylactic devices
Schedule for course 2024/2025
The Prophylaxis Assistance Training always begins in fall. The eight modules in total take place every month until April/May of the following year. A total of 144 hours of theory and practice must be completed.
Preliminary course dates 2023 to 2024 (last update: February 22, 2023)
Module 1 | 20. / 21.09.2024 |
Module 2 | 18. / 19.10.2024 |
Module 3 | 15. / 16.11.2024 |
Module 4 | 13. / 14.12.2024 |
Module 5 | 10. / 11.01.2025 |
Module 6 | 14. / 15.02.2025 |
Module 7 | 14. / 15.03.2025 |
Module 8 | 25. / 26.04.2025 (Examination date) |
Completion of the course
In order to successfully complete the training you must meet the following criteria:
- 30 documented appraisals at the employer’s practice
- Four completely documented patient cases at the University Clinic of Dentistry Vienna under supervision as quality assurance
- Final examination before a board in theory (written and oral) as well as practice
We only consider applications in writing on the specified form, by e-mail or fax. Since the number of participants is limited to a maximum of 24 participants, admission will take place chronologically by the order of application.
You will receive written confirmation of your successful application as well as the information to transfer fees. Please consider that your registration is only valid and binding after the course fees have been paid (by transfer only).
Application documents
The following documents need to be attached to the application:
- copy of the transcript of the dental assistant training
- passport photo (as a .jpg file)
- employer’s confirmation of at least years of professional experience after completion of dental assistance training
- proof of hepatitis B immunisation
Cancellation Policy
You may only cancel the registration in writing. Please consider the following terms of cancellation. If the cancellation occurs up to 30 calendar days before the start of the course, there is no cancellation fee. In the event of a cancellation between the 29 days until and including the 7th calendar day before the start of the course, the cancellation fee will be 50% of the course fee. In the event of a later cancellation, or in case of failure to appear, the entire fee will be charged.
Programme Coordinator and Instructors

Dr. Michael Müller
Programme Coordinator of the Prophylaxis Assistance Training CourseUniversity Clinic of Dentistry
Medical University of Vienna
Sensengasse 2a
1090 Vienna

Dr. Dino Tur
Deputy CoordinatorUniversity Clinic of Dentistry
Medical University of Vienna
Sensengasse 2a
1090 Vienna
The experienced team of the Clinical Division of periodontology and prophylaxis is involved in the course as well as specialists from other departments of the School of Dentistry Vienna. Dentists, as well as prophylaxis assistants and dental hygienists, take part in the instruction. Due to the close connection to periodontal research, you can expect a training course at the highest level.
Zahnmedizinische Prophylaxe – Lehrbuch und Praxisleitfaden
Roulet JF, Fath S, Zimmer S;
Verlag: Urban & Fischer, 5. Aufl. 2017
ISBN: 978-3-437-05123-4
Altersgerechte Prophylaxe: Grundlagen und Praxisfälle für Zahnmedizinische Fachangestellte und Prophylaxeassistentinnen
Kiehl Vlg; 1. Aufl. 2011
ISBN-10: 3470634319